The Artist
Chandra Barnett is an emerging artist with vision to inspire and create. She is a mother, daughter, sister, friend, and confidante. Her identity drives her passion to communicate through her works. She is enthusiastic about sharing her life and experiences with her community and all citizens of the world through her work.
Photography allows Chandra to share her ideas and vision with the world in a way that permits her to select from her environment each element that is featured in her work, be it her subject, location, props, lighting, etc. Furthermore, photography enables Chandra to tell stories through her work; therefore the majority of her personal work is produced as images in a series. Her style of storytelling through photography is what draws her to participate extensively in community events and workshops, in Sault Ste. Marie and the Algoma District.
Documentary photography supports Chandra's desire and enthusiasm to capture the entire story of an event frame by frame. She believes in the ability of photographs to communicate with a greater public, which helps to create a stronger, more widespread sense of community and understanding for those touched by the subject matter. This style of image capture lends itself well to raising awareness and knowledge among those people, agencies, or organizations that seek to learn.
Chandra has been pursuing an artistic lifestyle since she was very young. Her medium of choice and expressive style has evolved through the years, maturing with her as she grew as both a woman and an artist. Her experience in painting and sculpture, while using a wide variety of mediums and materials, has led to her greatest passion: photography.
“For me the subject of the picture is always more important than the picture. And more complicated. I do have a feeling for the print but I don’t have a holy feeling for it. I really think what it is, is what its about. I mean it has to be of something. And what its of is always more remarkable than what it is.”
- Diane Arbus, an American Photographer and Writer (1923 – 1971)